Institutional Planning refers to the comprehensive program of action that is started, articulated and executed by different educational institutions. This has been considered as the basic unit of the bigger educational planning. To explain the idea of institutional planning, M.B. Buch (1964) stated, “Institutional planning is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available, with a view to improving the school programme and school practices, constitutes a plan for an institution. It is based on the principle of optimum utilisation of the resources available in the school and the community.”
Also, the Indian Education Commission, 1964-66 discourses that every educational organization can do a better deal more through improved planning and hard work to advance the quality of education within its existing possessions.
Need of Institutional Planning
Following are some of the major reasons that will define why Institutional Planning is important for the educational institutions -
1. The implication of Institutional Planningis to develop and improve the programs of a school or college. Institutional Planning is methodical, suitable and strong. This planning is methodical as it leads to accomplish at the aims following different organized steps.
2. Institutional Planning is also satisfactory and reasonable for the establishments. It plans day-to-day class routines, academic calendar, maintains record books and examination arrangements etc.
3. Along with these aspects, Institutional Planning also delivers an accurate track to the educational planning in the country. Generally, administrators, teachers, parents, students, educationists as well as social reformers are involved in decision making and formulation of Institutional Planning.
4. Institutional Planning safeguards the use of local resources along with other resources existing in the institution. Thus, it leads to the use of obtainable resources at the finest level so that the insufficiency of resources can be circumvented.
5. Additionally, Institutional Planning encourages individual teachers of the institute as they get the prospect for creative thinking and they feel motivated towards work.
6. Since educators are also involved in the planning procedure, thereby making the process more democratic in nature.
7. Institutional Planningis more realistic in nature as because it involves data collected from the actual stake holders – students, teachers and parents.
8. Since this process involves an all-round approach where first-hand knowledge is available from the teachers and students on the strengths, weakness and problems that arise in different situations and also in the classrooms.
Scope of Institutional Planning

What are the major Objectives of Institutional Planning?
The various objectives of Institutional Planning are stated below:
- To deliver equality of opportunities to all the understudies to get education.
- The chief aim of Institutional Planning is to give independence to the institution to take decision regarding aims and objectives of the school or college.
- To provide realistic and concrete ideas to educational planning.
- Another objective of Institutional Planning is to give stability to the establishment.
- To bring proper direction to functioning of the educational institute.
- Institutional Planning ensures exploitation of available resources appropriately.
- To shift the emphasis from expenditure orientation to effort orientation.
- To develop and promote a democratic environment.
If we try to understand all of the above-mentioned details, it will be comprehensive that Institutional Planning seeks development in all commands. For this purpose, the planning should be systematic and scientific. Therefore, the educational leadership and management online course program is preparing the leaders for 21st-century educational environment. Institutional Planning need to be a working plan, based on the aptitudes of teachers, the requirements of the students and the local community as well. If it is followed intensively, the teaching, school and administration become more systematic and effective.